Planting Marigolds or Zinnia
1. Cut the top off a two litre milk carton to a form a container from the bottom 11 to 12 cm high.
2. Use a sharp pencil (or awl) to make four holes (drainage) in the bottom.
3. In a container, mix potting mixture with water to make it damp enough to stick together when squeezed but not wet enough to drip.
4. Fill the planter to the top with this mixture and press down to compact.
5. Make three holes in the mixture with your finger or another object 1 cm deep and evenly spaced.
6. Plant one seed in each hole and cover over.
7. Place a piece of clear plastic over the container and use an elastic to hold it in place. A clear plastic recycling bag could be cut to make the topping.
8. Place the planter on the assigned shelf in the GrowLab keeping each group's planters together.
9. After the seeds have germinated, remove the clear plastic cover and begin a schedule of watering your plants based on its need. Use the 'placing your finger 2 cm into the soil' technique to determine the soils moisture content and the amount of watering required, if any.