Bean Size Experiment

Beans were graded according to size. The beans on the left, numbered A1 and B1 were the largest and A4 and B4 were the smallest of the soaked beans. A comparison was also made between soaked (over 24 hours) and dry beans. The Dry beans were also graded with the larger in cells A5,6 and the smaller in B5,6.

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10/19/05 sorted assignment planted Placed in GrowLab 10/24/05 (5days)
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10/24/05 (6 days) 10/25/05 10/25/05 10/27/05 10/27/05
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10/28/05 10/28/05
transplanted, with tomato plant
11/01/05 11/07/05
added strings for beans to climb
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Growth Estimates
Height by Block

#     H     #    H
A1  11    B1  6
A2   8     B2  9.25
A3   5.5  B3  5
A4  10    B4  6
A5   9.5  B5  4
A6   8.5  B6  7
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Growth Estimates
Height by Block

#     H     #    H
A1  14      B1  7
A2   10.5  B2  12
A3   6.5    B3  6.5
A4  14      B4  8.5
A5   13     B5  5
A6   11     B6  9
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Height by Block

#     H     #    H
A1  14    B1  8
A2  12    B2  14
A3   8     B3  7.5
A4  14    B4  11
A5  14    B5  6
A6  12.5 B6  11

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Growth Estimates
Height by Block

#     H     #    H
A1  14      B1  9.5
A2  14      B2  14
A3  10       B3  9
A4  14      B4  13
A5  14      B5  7
A6  14      B6  13.5

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Growth Estimates
Height by Block

#     H     #    H
A1  14      B1  14
A2  14      B2  14
A3  11      B3  10
A4  14      B4  14
A5  14      B5  7d
A6  14      B6  14

B5 appears to have expired.

11/21/05 11/29/05 12/05/05  12/12/05  12/19/05
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Dead: A3, A6, B1, B5
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Most of bottom leaves have dried up and dropped off.
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Students picked a pod .

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Dried pod and blooms. Opened to show mature bean.

01/20/06 02/06/06 04/13/06 06/05/06 06/05/06
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06/16/06 new flowers
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06/16/06 bean pod.

Our project was dismantled 06/16/06 after school. The Fire Marshall will not allow plants to be grown in the hall windows anymore.
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Final picture.
#     H     
A1  15', 3 major branches with two flowers      
A2  13', 1 set of flowers 3/4 of the way up.      
A3  X       
A4         side stem with new growth up 1m and another up 2.5m      
A5        to ceiling and down with flowers and 1 pod.      
A6  X      
   #    H
B1  X
B2      to ceiling and 1/2 half way down, 3 branches at the top with new growth and new near bottom.
B3  X
B4  X
B5  X Dead stem.
B6  X
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How did bean size and preparation compare?