Growing Plants from Fruit Pips

The most common of the citrus fruits - oranges, lemons, tangerines and grapefruit - will take root and produce the most attractive small trees.

1. Collect the plumpest seeds.
2. Wash them thoroughly
3. Soften them by soaking in cold water for a full day
4. Plant 3 to a pot, 1 to 2 cm deep, according to their size
5. Cover with plastic
6. Keep them in a warm, dark place until the pips germinate
7. Next, place them in a light place and shortly after remove the plastic covering
8. When true leaves appear they may each be transplanted into its own six-inch pot
9. Keep in a light warm place to grow            (see our pictures)

Fresh Grapefruit   

     CITRUS mitis  "Calamondin,  Miniature orange"

Wash the pips and then soak them in a cup of water for two days. Then plant in moist potting compost in a polythene bag and tie the bag at the top. Put the bag in a warm place for a while (may take three weeks) keeping the plants in the bag until the third leaf has appeared. Transfer gently into a pot and keep in a warm room.

Citrus Pips Growth Chart       Planted:____________

Days after Planting Observations