Conductors are made of materials that electricity can flow through easily.
These materials are made up of atoms whose electrons can move away freely.

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Some examples of conductors are:

  • Copper or Rocks
  • Aluminum or Tires
  • Platinum or Glass
  • Plastic or Gold
  • Silver or Plastic
  • Water or Rubber
  • People and Animals or Porcelain
  • Rubber or Trees

Insulators are materials opposite of conductors. The atoms are not easily freed and are stable, preventing or blocking the flow of electricity.

Some examples of insulators are:



Electricity will always take the shortest path to the ground. Your body is 60% water and that makes you a good conductor of electricity. If a power line has fallen on a tree and you touch the tree you become the path or conductor to the ground and could get electrocuted.

The rubber or plastic on an electrical cord provides an insulator for the wires. By covering the wires, the electricity cannot go through the rubber and is forced to follow the path on the aluminum or copper wires.