Hands-and-Feet Turkey What you'll need: Construction paper in brown, tan, orange, red, yellow and white Scissors Glue Wiggle eyes (optional) Step 1 - Trace the your hands and feet Trace two feet (with shoes on) on brown construction paper. Trace two hands on tan construction paper. Trace two hands on red construction paper. Trace two hands on orange construction paper. Trace one hand on yellow construction paper. Step 2 - Cut out all the pieces Step 3 - Make the Body Put the two feet tracings together to make the turkey body and head, placing the heels together one on top of another, and spreading the bottoms apart as in the illustration. Glue. Cut two feet out of the orange scraps, then cut a diamond shape for the beak. Draw the eyes on white paper and cut them out, or use wiggle eyes. Make the wattle out of red construction paper. Glue each piece onto the body as shown. Step 4 - Attach the tail Glue the red, orange, and yellow construction paper hands behind the brown body to make the tail. Step 5 - Wings Position the two tan hands on either side of the body to make the turkey's wings and glue them in place. |