K. daigremontiana or Maternity plant 

This plant belongs to the Succulent group and  has one main stem. It has opposite leaves which are long, pointy, and serrated. The plant is medium sized, up to 60 cm.

The leaves are very thick and tough, grayish green with purple splotches underneath and sawtooth edges (serrate). They are about 15 cm long and 3cm wide, and the edges angle upward from the midrib. The leaf would look like a canoe if the tip did not angle down.

The plant has tiny plants that grow all along the edges of the leaf, in the notches. While still attached to the parent plant they develop roots, and when ready, drop off and take root where they land.

Care: House humidity is fine. Let the soil go dry before watering, then soak thoroughly. Keep fairly dry in summer, even dryer in the winter months. Bright to moderate sun. Keep warm but all succulents like a cool spot in the winter.

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Offsets planted in mini - greenhouse, end of May
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End of Sept. (4 mo.)  tallest 15 cm
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Oct. 5, 2007
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