Grow a Tree

You may have seen seeds on the ground that look like an airplane without a tail. This is the seed of a maple tree. You can grow this seed into a tree that will eventually be higher than your house. Time is important, a maple seed must be planted within a week or they will dry out and then they will not grow.
Materials: Seeds: maple seeds
Container: 10 cm across the top
Soil mix: potting soil
Covering: thin plastic-wrap
Fill the pot within 1 cm of the top with potting soil. Maple seeds need to be planted in a special way. When the seed falls, if it lands on soft, damp soil, the "nose" - the pointed end of the seed - buries itself in the ground. You must plant the seeds in the same way. The thick end goes down with the wings sticking out. Now water the soil mix and cover the pot with thin plastic. A maple seed will take 40 to 120 days to germinate and must be kept damp at all times. You can tell when it needs watering because the little drops of water that form on the plastic will disappear. When the seed germinates remove the plastic and continue to look after your plant.

Plant Outside
By August or early September, your tree should be several cm high. It is now big enough to be planted outside in a place where you want a maple tree to grow. Take it out of the pot by placing the fingers of one hand on either side of the stem and turning the pot upside down. Tap the edge or bottom of the pot and the little tree will come out in your hand. Having dug a hole tree times larger than the pot place the maple plant in the hole with the soil level of the tree level with the surrounding soil. Fill in around the maple plant with soil, compressing lightly, and water it. The maple tree will have time to grow new roots into the soil around it. When the cold weather comes it will drop its leaves and go to sleep (dormant) for the winter. In the spring, it will start to grow again.

Maple Tree Identification:

sugar maple

black maple

red maple

silver maple