How Different Seeds Grow
Most plants have certain requirements for life. How a plant grows depends upon light, water, carbon dioxide, minerals in the soil, temperature and microbes in the soil.
Plants utilize seeds for reproduction. The seed is dormant (asleep) until the right conditions allow it to grow. When these requirements are met for a seed it will start to germinate or grow. Enough food and minerals are stored in the seed so they do not need more so not having these does not stop germination. When water is absorbed by the seed, the inner tissue swells more quickly than the seed coat, the tissue (inside) becomes hydrated (filled with water) and life activity begins. The food stored in the cotyledons or endosperms are now digested and used.
On the following worksheet examine the different germinating seeds - squash, garden bean, pea and corn - write down the differences and similarities that you observe.
Work Sheet: Describe the Differences