Seeds and Development

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Planted Feb 27 06
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March 27 06
wpeAD.jpg (319587 bytes) Added seeds into empty cells. May 2 06 day 64 wpe3B.jpg (171892 bytes)
Transplanted May 10 into 4" pots. Roots were into mat of germinator.
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June 2 06
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Planted Feb 27 06
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March 27 06
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Transplanted multiples into empty cells.
April 11 06
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Top removed to reduce moisture. 21 surviving.
May 2 06
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Coleus Black Dragon
Planted April 4 06
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a very small start.
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After 24 days, 
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out-performing Palisandra on left
April 28 06
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Mother's Day plant sale May 10 - 12

see below

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Lychnis (Maltese Cross)
Planted March 31 06
2 weeks in refrigerator
Removed April 19 06
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2+wks put into Growlab
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Off to a very tiny start
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June 2 06 infected with flies. 10-15cm
Black Dragon in East facing indirect window light only. wpeA5.jpg (243616 bytes)
Pruned back to one plant per pellet.
April 28 06
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GrowLab left, window light right - same age.
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Palisandra June 2 06
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Black Dragon
June 2 06