From Seed Tray to Pot
When seedlings are five to eight centimetres tall and have two sets of true leaves, you can transplant them into larger containers, but only handle the plants by their true leaves or root balls, never by their fragile stems.
Coleus seeds were planted in a flat. Some seeds were planted too closely together and others were spaced out.
Clumps of seedlings were removed to be separated.
The seedlings were separated by holding on a leaf. If the leaf comes off or is damaged the plant will survive. It the stem is handled and broken the plant will die.
The separated seedlings are shown with their roots as undisturbed as possible from their separation.
The pots were filled with professional potting mix (moist but not wet) and a pencil or finger was used to make holes to receive the root balls.
Once the seedlings were placed in their pots the soil is firmed around their roots to eliminate air pockets. Watering can help with this.
The pots on trays were placed under lights in our GrowLabs.