Lesson 2 Mental Illness: Who Can It Happen To?
Mental illness can happen to anyone.
Risk is the chance that something negative or bad will happen
A risk factor is something that changes a person's chance of having something
negative or bad happen.
There are factors that influence a person's risk of developing
a mental illness. Some factors increase a person's risk for mental illness and
other factors decrease a person's risk for mental illness.
- it is more common in females than in males
- people of all ages can get depression
- individuals who have a close family with lots
of communication among family members are less likely to be
- a person who has depression often has a
family member who also has depression
- Young people who smoke cigarettes are more
likely to have depression.
- People who are pessimistic about life (who
always see the negative side of things) and who feel hopeless
are more likely to be depressed
- Stressful events such as a romantic breakup
can make depression more likely
- a person who experiences abuse, violence, or
disaster is more likely to get depression
If having risk factors, even some that seem to increase a
persons's chances of getting depression by a great amount, doesn't mean the
individual has depression.