Christmas Then and Now Interview

Interview a grandparent or elderly neighbour to learn about their childhood Christmases.  Complete an interview with yourself. Turn in the completed interview questions/answers and the completed Venn Diagram (sheet provided).

Due Date: December 13, 2013

Senior Interview Questions (given their name)

  1. What kind of Christmas traditions did your family have?
  2. What kind of toys did you receive as gifts?
  3. What kinds of gifts did you give out?
  4. What kinds of decorations did you put on your houses?
  5. What kind of decorations did you put on your tree?
  6. What special foods did you enjoy at Christmastime?
  7. What were some of your favourite songs to sing at Christmastime?
  8. Was going to church a big part of your Christmas celebration?
  9. Did you have Christmas school parties? What were they like?
  10.  What do you see as the biggest difference between Christmas today and Christmas when you were growing up?
  11. What is your best Christmas memory?
  12. In your opinion, what is the true meaning of Christmas?


Self Interview Questions

  1. What kind of Christmas traditions does your family have?
  2. What kind of toys do you receive as gifts?
  3. What kinds of gifts do you give out?
  4. What kinds of decorations do you put on your houses?
  5. What kind of decorations do you put on your tree?
  6. What special foods do you enjoy at Christmastime?
  7. What are some of your favourite songs to sing at Christmastime?
  8. Is going to church a big part of your Christmas celebration?
  9. Do you have Christmas school parties? What are they like?
  10.  What do you see as the biggest difference between Christmas today and Christmas when they (the Senior) were growing up?
  11. What is your best Christmas memory?
  12. In your opinion, what is the true meaning of Christmas?


Rubric                                                           Name:______________________
Cover: Title, Interviewee and Interviewer identified, Date /4
Section Titles: for each interview. /2
All 24 questions given and followed by answers in complete sentences. /24
The writing is free of spelling errors: 1-2 errors, 3-4 errors, 5-6 errors, 6+ errors /4
The writing is free of grammar and punctuation errors: 1-2 errors, 3-4 errors, 5-6 errors, 6+ errors /4
The reader has the sense of hearing the story directly from the source: strong, good, poor, not at all /4
Venn Diagram: 10 ideas expressed in the Then and in the Now sections with the overlap included. /20
Venn Diagram: neatness in printing and presentation. /4
Project overall appearance. /4
Total /70