Persuasive Writing Evaluation 6R                     Name________________


Use the following format to write a letter arguing for one of the following. Use loose leaf and the following format.


                                                                                                Hillcrest Academy

                                                                                                148 King Street

                                                                                                Shelburne, NS

                                                                                                B0T 1W0


                                                                                                Add date here



Dear Mr. Pippy,


Place the contents of your letter here. Remember to use complete sentences and paragraphs.


Remember to include an introduction, 3-4 reasons with evidences, a conclusion, parts of the letter, good sentences, paragraphs, spelling, and grammar.




Yours Sincerely,


Your name here




Choose one topic from the following:


Persuade your principal -


1. There should be more or less homework


2. The playground should or should not be segregated (P-2 and 3-6)


3. There should be more or less music classes


4. There should be more or less physical education classes


5. There should be Monday morning talent shows


6. There should be a fundraiser for a cause you believe in


7. The school mascot should remain the hawk or be changed


8. The menu at the cafeteria be changed


Use the planning page on the back to help you and write you final copy on loose leaf to pass in to be marked.