Hand writing in a book Book Buddy Book Rubric 6R


I. Organization (52 pts)  
Book Jacket (cover) with pictures (4), title (1), and author (1) /6
Title page with Title (1), author (1), the publisher (1), and may have a picture (1) /4
Dedication page: dedicated to book buddy (2) with reason or compliment etc. (2) /4
Copyright page:© symbol or word (1), year of  publication (1), author's name (1), editor (1), ISBN (1), the Publisher and address (2), Publisher and / or authors website address (1),  and a reservation of rights (see sheets 1, 2) (1) /9
Main text is at least 10 pages in length (including pictures) /5
Sentences per page vary in length and are relatively short and simple /5
One picture per page which relates to the story /5
 Biography of the author (you) /5
Back cover is decorated (4) and has a minimum of 5 reviews (5) /9
II. Presentation and Appearance (48 pts)                                                     subtotal  
Text size large (1) and consistent (1), placement on page (1), and positioning relative to the Picture (1) : change only with purpose (1) /5
Colourful pictures designed to go with the text /10
Book and slides are in order (-1 per mistake) /5
Story has a beginning, middle, and end /3
Word Choice: conveys message appropriate for grade 1 audience /5
Fluency: sentences are varied and make oral reading easy and enjoyable /5
Conventions: This includes the reviews and all other pages.  (-1 per mistake) Review carefully and ask for help where required
Correct use of grammar, / correct spelling / capitals, quotations, punctuation
                                                                                                        Total Score:

