By: Claire Haliburton |
and |
Meghan Martin |
Indian Manatee |
Scientific Name: Trichechus Manatus |
He is
gray and brownish.They have wrinkled skin and short front flippers.They are
2-4 metres long and weigh up to 2900 kilograms(2.9 tonnes) |
eat seaweed, sea grass and water hyacinths. They are vegetarians. When they
are calves they drink their mother’s milk. |
live in Florida, The Caribbean, Northern South America, and The Atlantic
coast to Central Brazil in coastal shallow waters and river inlets. |
1.Manatee’s live to be years in captivity. |
2.Sailors used to think that they were mermaids. |
3.Manatee’s are extremely slow breeders, at the
most they produce one calf every two years. |
4. The calves are the size of an average 5 year
old. |
5. Manatee’s consume 40 kg (88 lbs.) of plants
per day. |
6.Some people place manatees in plant filled
channels to clean them out. |
http://www.cryptomundo.com/wp-content/uploads/manatee1.jpg |
http://www.starfish.ch/photos/plants-Pflanzen/Seagrass.jpg |
http://www.attractionsmagazine.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/orphan-manatee62508.jpg |
http://www.savethemanatee.org/ |
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_PtJvNVrWkh4/SIpFSaRv2cI/AAAAAAAAAEc/i05DEF1rwD4/s400/Save%2BThe%2BManatee.jpg |