Madison Rose, Jayme Gosbee
and Mimi Chaloner! |
The population in South Africa 49,320 000. |
South Africa is 79.3% Black, 9.1% White, 9.0%
colored, and 2.6% Asian. |
The days Christmas are celebrated on are the 24th , that’s when they open their presents! On
the 25th they have Christmas dinner with their families and
friends. |
“Everyone who attends the service goes forward
to lay down their gift upon the raised platform near the Communion table.
Not one person will attend the service without giving a gift.” (Santa Net) |
The main language spoken in South Africa is
Afrikaans and very poor English. |
How they say merry Christmas- Geseënde Kersfees! |
On the right this is a picture of a Christmas
tree in the cape town, south African airport. |
On the
left there is a picture of a Christmas tree that Mimi’s grandmother had. |
Jesus- A important part of their Christmas
worship service is the love towards the poor, this is the gift of Jesus.
Then at about 8 or 9 o'clock everyone goes to the celebration of the birth
of Jesus. |
Santa Claus- Santa Claus in South Africa can
also be called Father Christmas. There are a lot of similar things in South
Africa close to what we have in Nova Scotia. |
Hertzog cookies or Hertzoggies, a delicious
blend of coconut and apricot jam, are special South African cookies. |
1 lb self-raising flour |
2 Tbsp sugar |
2 Tbsp margarine |
3 egg yolks |
Milk or water ( as required) |
1 tsp of vanilla essence |
¼ tsp
salt |
Good Girls and Boys- They usually get cotton
cloth, soaps, sweets, pencils and books. If they attend church they will
get a small present as well. |
Bad Girls and Boys- Sense most of their
traditions are like ours they would probably get black coal or fruit. |
They do not give gifts with their left hand.
They only use both hands or their right hand to give a gift. |
South African women wear a sari. |
They usually greet each other with a handshake,
but there are lots of different kinds between ethnic groups. |
Map of south africa-http://www.south-africa-tours-and-travel.com/map-of-south-africa.html |
Population-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Africa |
http://www.santas.net/aroundtheworld.htm |
Presents- http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://undergraduatestudies.syr.edu/images/ChristmasPresents2.gif&imgrefurl=http://undergraduatestudies.syr.edu/holidaysharingdates2009.html&usg=__eUD7O7NhhuakSh867Pc1yWs8TUs=&h=331&w=320&sz=45&hl=en&start=15&tbnid=NhVOnUpZvtSNBM:&tbnh=119&tbnw=115&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dchristmas%2Bpresents%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den |
Decorating the houses- http://www.santas.net/africanchristmas.htm |
Picture of south African Santa
claus-http://english.people.com.cn/200512/23/images/1222_A87p.jpg |
Picture of snowman-http://www.beautysnob.com/images/santa-claus.jpg |
Christmas tree, South
Africa-http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Christmas_Tree,South_Africa.jpg |
Christmas tree- http://www.allthingschristmas.com/pics1/christmas-tree-lights1.jpg |
Recipe-http://www.africhef.com/Hertzog-Cookies-Recipe.html |
What they would get for gifts-http://www.santas.net/africanchristmas.htm |
Unique things-http://www.cyborlink.com/besite/africa.htm |
Info about jesus-http://www.santas.net/africanchristmas.htm |
Pic of Coal-http://images.crateandbarrel.com/is/image/Crate/BagOfCoalF8?$family$ |
Pic of Soap-http://www.viewpoints.com/images/review/2008/238/14/1219693171-52244_full.jpg |
Pic of Jesus-http://www.thelostogle.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/jesus-christ-head.jpg |
santa-http://images.buycostumes.com/mgen/merchandiser/32220.jpg |