Lewis H. Latimer was born 1848, in Chelsea, Massachusetts. Latimer was one of the first major African American inventors, responsible for such items as the first water closet (or toilet) for railroad cars in 1874 and a forerunner of the air conditioner in 1886. He was most noted for his work with Thomas Edison and for making electric light available to the world.
As an accomplished draftsman he first worked as an assistant to Alexander Graham Bell, who hired him to draw the plans for his telephone invention. Bell was in a race to have his telephone patented first. By working with him late into the night, Latimer was able to provide Bell with the blueprint drawings, and his expertise in submitting patent applications. This allowed Bell to file his telephone patent on February 14, 1876.
In 1884, Latimer became an
engineer at the Edison Electric Light Company, joining the elite research team,
Edison's Pioneers, which had only 28 charter members. Latimer was the only
African-American in this prestigious group. Here he made his most important
scientific contributions, by improving the light bulb invented by Edison and
inventing a manufacturing process for the carbon filament in 1882. Edison's
light bulb was lit by an electrified filament made of paper, which burnt out
quickly. Latimer created a light bulb with a filament made of the much more
durable carbon. Latimer sold the patent for the Incandescent Electric Light Bulb
with Carbon Filament to the United States Electric Company in 1881. Latimer also
developed and patented the threaded socket for his improved bulb, though then it
was made of wood.
Latimer later supervised the installation of electric street lights in New York City, Philadelphia, Montreal, and London, making possible the widespread use of electric light.
Edison was impressed with Latimer and encouraged him to write a book. This was the first book on electric lighting, Incandescent Electric Lighting: A Practical Description of the Edison System, published in 1890.