The moon is Earth's
only natural satellite. The moon is a cold, dry orb whose surface is studded
with craters and strewn with rocks and dust (called regolith).
The moon has no atmosphere. Recent lunar missions indicate that there might be
some frozen ice
at the poles.
same side of the moon always faces the Earth. The far side of the moon was first
observed by humans in 1959 when the unmanned Soviet Luna 3 mission orbited the
moon and photographed it. Neil
Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin (on NASA's Apollo 11 mission, which also included
Michael Collins) were the first people to walk on the moon, on July 20, 1969.
you were standing on the moon, the sky would always appear dark, even during the
daytime. Also, from any spot on the moon (except on the far side of the moon
where you cannot see the Earth), the Earth
would always be in the same place in the sky; the phase of the Earth changes and
the Earth rotates, displaying various continents.
moon is about 384,000 km from Earth on average. At its closest approach (the lunar
perigee) the moon is 356,410 km from the Earth. At its farthest
approach (its apogee) the moon is 406,700 km from the Earth.
The moon revolves around the Earth in about 27 days 8 hours. It rotates around
its own axis in the same amount of time. The same side of the moon always faces
the Earth; it is in a synchronous rotation with the Earth.
The saros is the roughly 18-year periodic cycle of the Earth-Moon-Sun system.
Every 6,585 days, the Earth, Moon and Sun are in exactly the same position. When
there is a lunar eclipse, there will also be one exactly 6,585 days later.
The moon's diameter is 3,476 km, 27% of the diameter of the Earth (a bit over a
quarter of the Earth's diameter).
The gravitational tidal influence of the Moon on the Earth is about twice as
strong as the Sun's
gravitational tidal influence.
The moon's mass is about 1/81 of the Earth's mass.
The moon's gravitational force is only about 1/6 of the Earth's gravity. For
example, a 42 kg person would weigh only 7 kg on the Moon.
The temperature on the Moon ranges from daytime highs of about 130°C to
nighttime lows of about -110°C
The moon has no atmosphere. On the moon, the sky is always appears dark, even on
the bright side (because there is no atmosphere). Also, since sound waves travel
through air, the moon is silent; there can be no sound transmission on the moon.
Mare (plural maria) means "sea," but maria on the moon are plains on
the moon. They are called maria because very early astronomers thought that
these areas on the moon were great seas. The first moon landing was in the Mare
Tranquillitatis (the Sea of Tranquility). Maria are concentrated on the side of
the moon that faces the Earth; the far side has very few of these plains.
Scientists don't know why this is so.
The surface of the moon is scarred by millions of (mostly circular) impact
craters, caused by asteroids, comets, and meteorites. There is no atmosphere on
the moon to help protect it from bombardment from potential impactors (most
objects from space burn up in our atmosphere). Also, there is no erosion (wind
or precipitation) and little geologic activity to wear away these craters, so
they remain unchanged until another new impact changes it.
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin's footprint on the moon's Sea of Tranquility, from
the Apollo 11 mission in 1969.
have been many missions to the moon, including orbiters missions and moon
landings. NASA's Apollo
missions sent people to the moon for the first time. Apollo 11's LEM (Lunar
Excursion Module) landed on the moon on July 20, 1969 with Neil Armstrong and
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin (Michael Collins was in the orbiter). Neil
Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon. His first words upon
stepping down the Lunar Module's ladder onto the lunar surface were,
"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Aldrin
described the lunar scenery as "magnificent desolation." Apollo 12-17
continued lunar exploration.
NASA astronauts have retrieved 382 kg of moon rocks (in many missions), which
have been closely studied. The composition of the moon rocks is very similar to
that of Earth rocks.
When two full moons occur in a single month, the second full moon
is called a "Blue Moon." Another definition of the blue moon is the
third full moon that occurs in a season of the year which has four full moons
(usually each season has only three full moons.)