The Moon Find it! 6R Name____________________
Use the section/handout on the moon to answer the following questions.b) If different, explain the difference
2. Do we always see the same side of the moon from Earth? ________________
b) If so, why? _____________________________________
3. What shape are most lunar craters?_______________________
4. Does the moon have an atmosphere?_______________________
b) How does this effect sound? ___________________________
5. Who were the first two people to walk on the moon? _____________________
b) The distance from Earth to the moon is __________________
c) How much would you weigh on the moon? ________________
6. In what year did this first moon walk occur? _______________________
7. Where did they land? _________________________
8. Does a blue moon refer to a blue-colored moon? ______________
If not, then what does it mean?
9. Are tides influenced more by the gravitational pull of the moon or the Sun?
10. What is the temperature range on the moon? ______________________
11. During a lunar eclipse, the shadow of what celestial body blocks our view of
the moon? ______________________
12. How many of our moons would it take to equal the earth on an equal arm
balance? ________