The Moon Find it!    6R                        Name____________________

Use the section/handout on the moon to answer the following questions.

1. Is the moon smaller / the same size / or larger than the Earth?_________________ 

b) If different, explain the difference _______________________________

2. Do we always see the same side of the moon from Earth? ________________

b) If so, why? _____________________________________

3. What shape are most lunar craters?_______________________

4. Does the moon have an atmosphere?_______________________

b) How does this effect sound? ___________________________

5. Who were the first two people to walk on the moon? _____________________

b) The distance from Earth to the moon is __________________

c) How much would you weigh on the moon? ________________

6. In what year did this first moon walk occur? _______________________

7. Where did they land? _________________________
8. Does a blue moon refer to a blue-colored moon? ______________

If not, then what does it mean?

9. Are tides influenced more by the gravitational pull of the moon or the Sun? ____________________

10. What is the temperature range on the moon? ______________________

11. During a lunar eclipse, the shadow of what celestial body blocks our view of the moon? ______________________

12. How many of our moons would it take to equal the earth on an equal arm balance? ________