The Sun 6R

At the center of our solar system is one of billions of stars in the universe – the star that we call our sun. The sun is very important to life on earth. It provides our planet with light, heat, and other forms of energy. Without these, all life on earth would die.

The sun is a sphere (ball) made up mostly of hydrogen and helium. It is made up of layers.

Activity: Make a diagram of the sun.

1.                 Use a compass to draw circles in your scribbler:

i.                                A circle with a diameter of 6cm (white)

ii.                              A circle with a diameter of 12cm (yellow)

iii.                            A circle with a diameter of 18cm (orange)

2.                 Use a pencil to create a solar background. Trace over your lines with a black crayon or marker.

3.                 Label each layer.

4.                 Add solar details and label each one.