Compass Rose

A compass rose is a design on a map that shows directions. It shows north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest.

On the compass rose above, only north is filled in. Fill in the rest of the directions on the compass rose, using the standard abbreviations:
N=North, S=South, E=East, W=West, NE=Northeast, NW=Northwest, SE=Southeast, SW=Southwest.

When north is at the top of the compass rose (as it often is), south is at the bottom, east is on the right, and west is on the left. Northeast is between north and east, northwest is between north and west, southeast is between south and east, and southwest is between south and west.

Now that you have filled in this compass rose, draw new arms (petals) on the compass rose between each of the ones above and add a box for each. This will make a 16 point compass. Label using the standard abbreviations:
NNE = North North East, ENE = East North East, NNW = North North West, WNW = West North West,
SSE = South South East, ESE = East South East, SSW = South South West, WSW = West South West

16 point Compass Rose test practice sheet.